Power-Mapping Activity
Here’s an example of a power-mapping activity you can use with your leadership team: Step 1: Choose your target. It’s...
Review of Activities Timeline
Step 1: Facilitate creating a timeline of activities Start by getting people into small groups, preferably 5 people or less...
Spectrum of Allies
Step 1. Explain the concept In most social-change situations there is a struggle between those who want the change and...
Understanding People Power: the Upside-Down Triangle
Traditional power is thought of as a pyramid, where power flows from the top downward. A janitor takes orders from...
Village Exercise
What you need Lots of crayons/markers Ideally some change of clothing (e.g. suit or tie) Two (or more) facilitators How...
How to Get Others Involved
Using the Menu of Tasks to Delegate Tasks The menu of tasks identifies the tasks essential to making an event...
As your time permits, there are three different layers of evaluation: In-person evaluation at the end of the training. This...
Closing Circles
Some Types of Closing Circles: Affirmation Circle Stand in a circle. Each person gets a chance to share something they...
A method to get everyone sharing An example of a very simple go-round often used for introductions is to have each...
Kinds of Lists
A Few Kinds of Lists Harvesting First, assign small groups with a task (for example, “what are some of your...
The Mingle
The set-up is simple: The facilitator creates a limiting boundary, for example within the circle of chairs that participants have...
A multi-level learning activity One training collective in Europe that teaches group decision-making skills uses the skit to illustrate problem behaviors in...
Sociograms and Spectrums
A Flexible Training Tool for Empowerment In Russia they use “community sociograms”, where the facilitator stands in the centre of...
How to Build Safety in a Group
Safety shouldn’t be confused with a space where people feel comfortable and easy with each other. In fact, if you...
How to Design a Workshop
A Method for Designing Workshops: 1. Learn about the group. I ask leaders in the group about its history, actions they...
The Experiential Learning Cycle
Sometimes an “expert” stands in front of the room and delivers information to the participants. That’s treating our participants like...